The Beinlichs' 2001 Holiday Letter
Welcome to the on-line version of our holiday letter. We hope you enjoy it. You'll find a lot more pictures and text than in the printed version. Just click on any of the small pictures to see the full-size version. The are also pictures and other content behind links in the text. Use your browser's "Back" button to return to the letter.
And when you're finished, we hope you'll take a moment to sign our guest book and let us know what you think. Or drop us an e-mail to let us know what you've been up to! We'd really like to know that you visited our site. (And Brian needs a way to justify the time he spends creating the web version of the letter!)
Well, the holidays are here again… time once again to think back upon the past year and all that's happened. All in all, we'd have to say that while 2001 was a great year, most of it was relatively uneventful for us.
start out with a few shots from last year's holiday season. Mason's
favorite gift was his "baby". And here's one of Mingus with Mom
and Mason. Mingus is saying, "Hey, let's get the important people in
the front of the picture, OK?"
year did start out memorably, though. We spent the last two weeks of January on
a sailboat named "Soul Healer" in the British Virgin Islands with our
friends (alias "RRRRR") and Barry (alias "Bee-O").
Another couple that Raúl knows, Brad and Sandy, joined us for the first week.
We must say, we were feeling very Caribbean toward the end of the second week!
of the high points of the trip was our visit to Maho
Bay on St. John (in the US Virgin Islands). Maho
Bay is sort of an eco-village, with tent houses built into the trees that
slope up from the bay. Between the beautiful bay setting with its trees, and the
low-tech lifestyle, we were ready to mail a few change-of-address cards back to
the States!
Follow this link to many more pictures of our BVI Sailing trip.
Thinking back to that sailing trip makes us realize how much Mason has grown and progressed this year. When we were in the BVI, he was saying only a handful of words, but now he talks our ears off (when he's not singing one of the dozen or so songs that he knows). If we had a dime for every time he's asked "Why?" his college education would probably be fully funded!
Last updated: 05/21/2004.