August 12, 1995
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Here's Brian (he's the groom, you know) and Mitch Simons (he's the best man) greeting
guests as they arrive. I'm sure you can't tell it from this photo, but Brian's just a
weeeee bit nervous. Michael Miller is looking over
their shoulder at the photographer (that would be Thom), and you can see Tracy and Dennis Walker in the background.
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Here's that Brian guy again. Who invited him, anyway? And what's he doing in that
goofy white monkey suit? Didja ever think you'd see him in one of those? He might be
smiling, but don't let that fool ya-- he's nerrrvous! "Do I hafta wait until after
the ceremony to have a drink?"
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This is a view of the scene from up on the deck. Yes, this is what our back yard
looks like. Folks are starting to arrive now. That's Brian's brother Bruce standing up in the front. Brian's mother is
sitting down in front of him talking to her brother Herb (with his wife Rita) and her
sister Mildred (with her husband Harry), who came all the way from the east coast to be
with us.
(JPG image, 50.2K) If
you were standing right about where Bruce was in the last photo and looked up, this is
what you'd see. Now you can see our house and the deck, where the last photo was taken.
Just for fun, flip back and forth between these two photos to get the feel of the whole
scene, but be careful, ya might get dizzy! For the full effect, though, you really ought
to go put Enya on the Stereo.
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Our good friends Thor Hinckley and Viki
VonFumetti are some of the early arrivals.
(JPG image, 45.3K) Here's
Tracy and Dennis Walker, probably cracking wedding jokes. You can also see Stacey and Tim
Goodman, Cheryl and Tom Niehuser, and other folks chilling out before the ceremony.
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OK, things are finally starting to happen. Time to switch the music again... now
the processional (Elton
John's "The One") is
playing. Brian's trying to walk down the aisle in time with the music, but he's like,
waaaaay too nervous to pull it off. That's our neighbor Judi in the foreground.
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Here's Sharon's sister-in-law Debbie Thurheimer (you
know, the Matron of Honor) and Mitch on their way down the aisle. Elton's crooning about reality running up your spine, and boy,
he's right on target! That's Sharon's former boss Douglas Reiter right behind them.
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As Elton croons on, Kaitlin the flower girl and Christopher the ringbearer
(Debbie's children) head down the steps. Kaitlin was about one-half of a stair step ahead
of Christopher the whole way down, which kept things interesting. Just about the time
Chris would catch up to Kaitlin, she'd take the next step, so it seemed like she was
dragging him down the steps! They were really sweet.
(JPG image, 36.0K) Here's
Debbie, our minister Pamela Brown, Brian, and Mitch waiting for the bride to appear. In
the foreground are Karin and Mike Stockwell
(Sharon's brother and his wife), and Sharon's grandmother Verdell Stockwell. At the far
right edge of the photo is Sharon's grandfather Bob Stockwell's nose. If he were writing
this, he'd have something clever to say about that, but I think it kinda speaks for
Everyone's attention is focused on the top of the stairs...
The anticipation is building....
And here she is... the lovely Sharon!
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As usual, ol' Elton's got the mood pegged:
When stars collide like you and I
No shadows block the sun
You're all I've ever needed
Ooh, baby you're the one.
Phew! Too much drama! My heart's a-poundin'!
Lemme catch my breath a minute...
Last updated: 03/29/1999.