These are the thoughts and ideas that visitors to our site wrote in our WWW guest book after viewing our wedding pages.
This guestbook has been replaced by a more general one which you are velcome to view or sign.
Sent: Tue Aug 13 20:41:29 1996
From: Mr. Bird
Happy Anniversary, Sweetie!! I Love You!!! BB
Sent: Tue Aug 13 20:47:27 1996
From: Your Loving Husband
I Love You, Sharon!
Sent: Tue Aug 13 22:41:53 1996
From: Sharon Beinlich
Thank you Sweetheart! What a special gift. I love you. Sharon (For those of you who may be a little confused by this message...Brian surprised me with this "electronic wedding album" for our first anniversary. He really is a romantic guy!)
Sent: Thu Aug 15 17:05:22 1996
From: Karin Dietterich
It's about time those wedding pictures got published on the web! So, when are we going to get together again? :-) Karin
Sent: Thu Aug 15 17:10:56 1996
From: Jim Tolar
What a delightful presentation! Nice job, Bird and Sharon. This is what the medium is meant to do, to let widely separated people share detailed information. It feels like I just sat down and talked to both of you, of course I didn't get to say much but I had a great time listening to you... Maybe this will make me get off my cyber-butt and put the Tolar family pages together. I better do it quick though. Brian, remember Elizabeth (our first-born)? I'm sending her off to college this weekend and it's breaking my heart. I was just starting to get the parent-thing down pat... Kathleen says Hi. You can reach the Tolar family at "" and me at my same-old address. take care, jt
Sent: Thu Aug 15 17:15:46 1996
From: Luis Kida
Too quick hitting the return key. Been there, been here. Then and now. It was fun both times.
Sent: Thu Aug 15 17:29:11 1996
From: Jamie Weisbrod
Congrats on your anniversary !
Sent: Thu Aug 15 17:40:59 1996
From: Ed Sinclair
These photos look familiar for some reason! Great Work.
Sent: Thu Aug 15 18:58:40 1996
From: Buxman
Very, very nice....sniff...has it been a whole year already? Geez. Hope you two is happy! It was a great time, that wedding.....I'll always remember it. I'd talk more, but I'm preoccupied at the moment..... I'll get back to you two...later!!
Sent: Thu Aug 15 20:43:18 1996
From: Rob and Andy Duncan
Looks GREAT. Where are the sailing pictures? Seems like one of you has been practicing HTML voodoo. (You HAVE seen our ?) Drop us a line too and say howdy!
Sent: Thu Aug 15 21:56:18 1996
From: Dimirei Munkirs
Party on dudes! Looks like a wonderful scmedding!
Sent: Fri Aug 16 07:52:44 1996
From: Eileen Brazil
Happy Trails!
Sent: Fri Aug 16 14:35:47 1996
From: Dean Mueller
Pretty cool pictures, I wish I could remember the night that well. Congrats again on your aniversary. See you in November!
Sent: Fri Aug 16 14:53:31 1996
From: Dave Coleman
Good work! That was quite an event. Oh yeah, and you got married too. Looking forward to the VR version.
Sent: Mon Aug 19 08:04:19 1996
From: Ann Miller
Happy Anniversary! And many more. The web page is great. The photos of the wedding are great. Sorry I missed it; it would have been a lot more fun than ankle surgery. The photos of Mingus and Mac are terrific; give them a hug from all of us here in humid Florida. Best regards, AM, Rogue, Bandit, River Runner, FDDI, and Jaz.
Sent: Tue Aug 20 13:13:41 1996
From: Janet(Oh so happy to be married!)Prottas
Brian: You romantic devil you....had a blast walking through your page and remember the wedding as if it were yesterday! Love to you and Sharon, Janet
Sent: Tue Aug 20 22:54:14 1996
From: David Anderson
Looks Great!
Sent: Wed Aug 21 09:19:24 1996
From: Mitch
I have not given you the legal right to use my picture in your web page. As the "Best Man" I expect 30% of all revenues collected by donations made by people who contract your services to create thier own "wedding" book. You may contact my lawyer to arrange for a settlement. Actually, I loved it!!! I will share w/ Beth & Nick. Love, Mitch
Sent: Wed Aug 21 19:46:04 1996
From: Lynda Mueller
Happy anniversary!!! Great web was like being at the schmedding all over again. It was a great night and so was the repeat one year later. See you next year.
Sent: Fri Aug 23 00:20:43 1996
From: Thor
Thanks for the link and the photo credits. Actually my picture at the post office is much more betterer. By the way when I was there I told the postmaster that any junk email I get as result of this link is to be delivered to your door, so I hope your prepared to recycle all those electrons.
Sent: Fri Aug 23 18:47:58 1996
From: mike devita
Howdy sailing partners! Love your home page. Enjoyed your wedding pictures. Look for a copy of the travelog of our journey coming soon to a eMail address near YOU!
Sent: Sat Aug 24 10:23:15 1996
From: Jordi & Diana & Mariona
Great! Good for gossiping a little bit. See you before we leave. We liked very much to see a cybernaut wedding picture collection. Times are changing! see you soon. Jordi & Diana
Sent: Thu Aug 29 10:42:38 1996
From: David Hatcher
I have enjoyed our new friendship. It's interesting the paths that we take in life that bring people together. Take Care. David
Sent: Fri Aug 30 23:11:04 1996
From: Dean, Lynda, Lance, and Devil Dog
So we are here again cheking out you handy work. Looking pretty good. Better work on those dog pages.
Sent: Sun Sep 8 10:48:18 1996
From: Beth
Hey Guys! This is my very first experience on the Net! I'm going to be spoiled big time! What a great presentation! Let's do it again! We really miss you two (four, actually) and wish we could converge. Nick's doing great in first grade and I am LOVING my new school and administration. Just wanted to touch base-got to rescue some frozen chicken off the counter so by for now!!!!Much Love! B.
Sent: Tue Sep 10 10:08:20 1996
From: J. Allan Toogood
Hi, modern technology shure aint what it used to be. Nice to be able to view the weding pictures from 1K miles away.
Sent: Fri Sep 13 15:30:07 1996
From: strange-man
More t&a Beer time....
Sent: Tue Sep 17 15:59:47 1996
From: Ken Bragg
What an exquisite way to end my work day. And what great weding pictures. Saw them all. Sorry I burned out your server. How are you guys doing? Suzanne, Brandon, and I just got back from Maui/Kauai. I finally got to see Paia, Maui where I was born. Brandon is 16 months old now and went ape over the beaches. We can't get his shovel away from him. Unfortunately the only 'beach' here is the cat box. See you later. Love the home page. KB
Sent: Wed Sep 18 16:01:18 1996
From: Ann Beinlich
Sharon and Brian, The wedding, your house and the garden were all beautiful. Everything went well, but the best of all - my handsome son got a lovely wife and I got a great new daughter- in-law! Love, Mom
Sent: Thu Sep 26 16:44:21 1996
From: Ron Roedel
Oops, forgot to sign in last time. The wedding album was even better the second time.
Sent: Wed Oct 9 21:39:29 1996
From: Barry Lyon and Stanley Brown
We Love you Guys!! It would be difficult to express our feelings towards you, but we just did! Through your WWW, we think of you and your wedding often, and reflect on those good times. The fire, the stars, the brew, your home. These are the things that we remember of that special time. Powell Dude, Barry and Bigbux Man, Stan.
Sent: Sat Oct 26 18:09:00 1996
Sent: Sat Oct 26 18:18:07 1996
Sent: Mon Oct 28 12:33:30 1996
From: Randy Best
Web page sucks! What's all that random background stuff? Dalmation output? The religous right will rule the world! Cats are better lovers than dogs. Chickens know how to strut their stuff. Eat more American lamb, 10,000 coyotes can't be wrong.
Sent: Tue Nov 26 19:16:59 1996
From: Mike & Chelie Lacrosse
Had a great time meeting you @ LDM Saturday night! Looking forward to getting together with you again, maybe here .. maybe Portland! Have a safe trip to Israel. Our home E-Mail address is: - bye Mike & Chelie (in case you have no idea who this is, Mitch & Beth's friends :)
Sent: Sat Dec 7 21:16:50 1996
From: Lee and Alice Curtis
Congratulations on your 1st anniversary! I got your web site from the Dal mail list. We have had 3 Dals over the last 20 years. Our new girl is Brooke. She is 2 and 1/2 years old and has black spots. Alice has had 5 Dal since she was a young girl. As you can tell we LOVE Dalmatians! We live in the Tualatin area. Good luck with your Dals.
Sent: Mon Dec 30 22:55:32 1996
From: Lynda Wo-Man
Just missing you guys terribly, so bopped over to the old home page for comfort. Pray to Mother Nature so she'll give us a few much-needed dry days. Jerry and Leslie sandbagged their house today. Tualatin won't crest 'til Thursday. I'll be there by Sat. if the ponds rises another 2 vertical feet. Happy New Year!
Sent: Mon Dec 22 02:16:15 1997
From: Sergey-from- far-Siberia
Best wishes to you all: be happy, be nice, be healthy, be rich, make money, make kids. And HAPPIEST Christmas! Yours, Sergey.
Sent: Mon Dec 22 02:16:26 1997
From: Sergey-from- far-Siberia
Best wishes to you all: be happy, be nice, be healthy, be rich, make money, make kids. And HAPPIEST Christmas! Yours, Sergey.
Sent: Wed Jan 14 07:40:03 1998
From: Christina Pannier
Congradulations, I'm currently a student at Southern Illinois University. I found your web site looking for my friend Dean Mueller's web page. Loved the pictures. I hope you are blissfully happy and good luck for a long future together!!
Sent: Fri Jan 30 01:15:52 1998
From: Stanley Brown
Yo, Mr. Birdman and Sharoner... Hey good see you visit in Scottsdale. I must return the favor sometime in the forseeable future. My thoughts travel with you.. Love, STAN
Sent: Sat Jan 31 19:26:15 1998
From: Mary & Dick Adlhoch
We miss you guys. At LOOONG last, we're up on the Web (at least for now). This high tech stuff is sorta fun, but a bit corn-fusing at times. Looking forward to seeing you sometime (hopefully soon). When will you be coming to Phx next?
Sent: Sun Apr 5 22:34:54 1998
Sent: Fri Apr 10 14:59:06 1998
From: Barry Lyon
This is a test of the Guest Book Review Schedule! How frequently to you check the guest book? or do you get notified automagically? Lets talk sometime! Hope all is well! Always, Barry
Sent: Mon Dec 14 19:00:36 1998
From: karen and dave davito
hi you two! nice to see ya. great job on the dylan mueller website. he's gorgeous. and we're still looking forward to at least visiting oregon next year. maybe someday we will live there too. take care, drink more wine, life is good.
Sent: Thu Dec 24 21:03:56 1998
From: andy shreve
nice web site. keep up the good work.
Sent: Sat Feb 27 14:06:35 1999
From: Bruce Pederson
First off, congratulations on the birth of your son!!!! A wonderful new chapter he will open into your lives. Hope you don't miss out on too much sleep in the coming weeks. Thanks for stopping by last night, at the Irish Bank, to discuss both your new bundle of joy and Dalmatian stones. Drop me a line at
Sent: Tue Mar 23 11:50:33 1999
From: Debbie Thurheimer
Nice picture of the baby, oh yea the dogs too. Maybe in ten years when you guys renew your vows you can show a little more leg next time...
Last updated: 04/02/1999.