The Beinlichs' 2009 Holiday Letter
Blinking holiday lights

Our collection of farm animals continues to grow and change.  In April we welcomed our first baby goat (“Grover”) and three days later Sharon acquired 14 hens.  After the school year ended we adopted one of the class's roosters, who we renamed “Elvis.”  Very early one morning in June, Sharon bolted awake, thinking that the goats were in distress.  She ran outside to investigate, only to discover that the pitiful noise she'd heard was Elvis' first attempt at crowing!  Elvis has since learned to crow just fine, and we've all learned to sleep through it!  The hens began laying in August, and are providing us with fresh eggs to eat and sell.
We sadly note the passing of Mugwump, our young but beloved cat, who had an unfortunate encounter with a vehicle in August.  He is very much missed.  Our other two cats, Murray and Moxie, are healthy, as is “Crazy Maizy,” our Golden Retriever.

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Last updated: December 22, 2009 9:37 AM.